Lenormand Card Meanings and Combinations Guide

The Rider

Energy, Passion, Speed, Activity, News, Messages

Explore the Full Meanings of All 36 Lenormand Cards and Their Combinations

The Clover

Luck, Small Happinesses, Opportunity, Being Untroubled, Comedy

The Ship

Departure, Farewell, Distance, Voyage, Travel, Journey, Adventure

The House

Home, Establishment, Safety, Tradition, Custom, Privacy, Conservation

The Tree

Health, Growth, Vitality, Roots, Life, Ancestry

The Clouds

Confusion, Unclarity, Misunderstanding, Insecurity, Doubt, Hidden Secrets

The Snake

Desire, Seduction, Deception, Craving, Attraction, Sexuality, Wisdom

The Coffin

Ending, Dying, Funeral, Loss, Grief, Mourning, Sadness

The Bouquet

Flattery, Social Life, Pleasantness, Appreciation, Cordiality, Etiquette

The Scythe

Decisions, Danger, Sudden Changes, Risk, Break, Harm

The Whip

Conflict, Arguments, Repetition, Opposition, Debate, Objection

The Birds

Worry, Excitement, Gossip, Nervousness, Chattering, Anxiety

The Child

New Beginnings, Innocence, Playfulness, Inexperience, Immaturity

The Fox

Selfishness, Trickery, Suspicion, Cunning, Self-Care

The Bear

Power, Leadership, Dominance, Influence, Strength of Character

The Star

Hope, Guidance, Inspiration, Dreams, Vision, Clarity

The Stork

Change, Transition, Movement, New Cycle, Yearning

The Dog

Loyalty, Friendship, Devotion, Obedience, Support

The Tower

Authority, Solitude, Isolation, Ego, Structure

The Garden

Society, Public Affairs, Culture, Social Networks, Teamwork

The Mountain

Obstacles, Challenges, Problems, Delay, Impairment, Struggles

The Crossroad

Choices, Decisions, Options, Directions, Pathways

The Mice

Dwindling, Deficiency, Depletion, Disease, Flaw, Decay

The Heart

Love, Affection, Charity, Romance, Tenderness, Passion

The Ring

Commitment, Contracts, Agreements, Cycles, Partnerships

The Book

Knowledge, Secrets, Discovery, Mystery, Learning

The Letter

Communication, Messages, Information, Speech, Documents

The Man

Masculinity, Important Male, Partner, Querent if Male

The Woman

Femininity, Important Female, Partner, Querent if Female

The Lily

Peace, Maturity, Virtue, Wisdom, Morality, Serenity

The Sun

Success, Happiness, Victory, Energy, Visibility

The Moon

Emotions, Intuition, Fame, Recognition, Reflection

The Key

Revelation, Solution, Achievement, Discovery, Unlocking

The Fish

Wealth, Finances, Abundance, Business, Flow, Values

The Anchor

Stability, Security, Resilience, Persistence, Strength

The Cross

Burden, Suffering, Duty, Destiny, Conviction, Faith